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Ensuring that the revenue being collected matches to the services contracted at one point in time still maps to correct charges now.
There are overt and covert reasons why your might not be getting as much revenue as you should from customers.
For example, prior campaigns may have applied a discount code for a limited period of time but your systems and processes haven't removed these once the contracted discount ends
There may have been times that a deal was won, but you weren't aware that the sales person may have given services away, or made under the radar upgrades.
When undertaking a revenue leakage assessment, it is important to ascertain the gravity of the situation, the potential impact on your customer base risk of churn vs loss of revenue. There maybe valid reasons to retain a loss making customer, and charging for services may result in that loss making customer cancelling (increasing your profits however) but that customer may also be happy to pay for the services as they often know they have had too good a deal for many years
We have undertaken many successful revenue leakage exercises over the years
Data analytics helps provide deeper insights into problem areas, whether this is to help with cost avoidance, spend analysis, revenue collection, cost of production, IT spend etc,
None cashable areas can also be indicators of waste.
A cost centre budget for digital campaigns that uses affiliates needs to be analysed for the volume of web traffic, referrals and ultimately closed business won versus spend
Contact centre response times, volume of calls answered etc all required data analysis and all indirectly contribute to your P+L
We use extensive Excel Modelling, including VBA coding. We can tap into Data Scientists and deeper SQL database analytics if required.
Book to Bill process is looking at the placement of a customer order, through its journey, contract generation, order fulfilment and delivery and especially post delivery billing down the line, looking especially how upgrades and re-contracts have been applied and any changes to either operational delivery or suppliers
Looking at the Service Management interventions that can be applied and how well billing literals are kept aligned to component services.
Organisational changes often impact processes, Merger and Acquisitions almost certainly will have meant changes to many parts of the business.
High Revenue leakage and low Cost Avoidance are good indicators that B2B process has weak points that need fixing
Undertaking a pricing strategy review, to challenge and validate assumptions and ensure that financial models are current, with sensitivity analysis and what if scenarios to model impact on churn, win rate, volume and margins is key.
We can either validate your Pricing Strategy and models, giving you the confidence they are in good shape, or help work with your teams if certain aspects are not be valid or omitted
We also help build pricing models and business cases, considering the factors above.
Understanding the value a customer places on your product or service is as important as the pricing strategy you are applying
In contract, out of contract, cost centre owners (not just procurement or IT), internal supplier spend reviews, regular cadence of external supplier management meetings.
Are all these in place?
It is common for many businesses to establish a contract at one point in time, perhaps negotiated by employees who left the business many moons ago and subsequently the contract starts to gather dust and maybe a general attitude of "its procurement, its legal, IT or supply chain to sort and manage"
In our view, employees (especially cost centre owners) should be expected and empowered to consider what they are doing with your companies cash as though it was their own cash.
We have undertaken many contract reviews over the years and have brought cost savings, mitigated contract issues and avoided un-necessary costs being incurred
This closely links to contract management. We can undertake and Supply Chain Health Check and provide you with an advisory framework from which to improve your supplier management process. We can work with your teams to identify stakeholders who need to be involved
We will also review whether the process feeds into the Corporate Risk register and process
A supplier framework and a process to manage your suppliers leveraging teams across your organisation that will support your Procurement, Legal and Supplier Management teams
We focus on using tried and tested Excel modelling (including VBA), although we are re-inventing ourselves to see how the power of AI and (Python & JavaScript) Automation changes the whole Data Analysts landscape, using MS Access Databased, alongside leveraging PowerBI advancements in Excel. We can tap into a deeper network of expert SQL programmers and data scientists if required.
What sets us apart is not , using sophisticated tools, nor having deep data science guru capabilities to model data. It's our ability to look for where we think unexpected hidden needles in the haystack might be found AND to surface fresh new insights from the data previously uncovered. That is what our strengths bring to the table
Can we promise to find the needle? No. Can we promise a needle found won't be rusty and useless? No. Is there a chance we will uncover a shiny needle, perhaps made of silver, gold, or even a priceless one made of Rhodian (most expensive & rare metal)? Yes
We will treat your data confidentially, expect both sides to be aware / highlight any GDPR issues and take steps to store / transfer data in secure environments. We use standard Microsoft or Apple applications (Office 365, iCloud, online etc), encrypting data with passwords and use secure file transfers etc. We run anti-virus software on all our modern devices (Apple MAC, Apple iPhone and Lenovo PC) and undertake regular software updates. Our IT security & privacy policy is available on request.
Over the years, we have undertaken numerous data analytics exercises and developed countless excel models, for business cases, investment plans, pricing strategies, inventory assessments, print usage, corporate mobile phone usage, bid pricing, market profiling, revenue assurance, cost avoidance, margin maximisation etc. We are confident, with the right data, we can add value to your teams
You and your teams will be gathering and have access to lots of data. You may, or will have excellent data driven insight and expert modellers. However, you may also (like many companies) struggle with the data and what it means. You are certainly not alone and the depth and breadth of data analysis techniques available, numerous software tools available is possibly overwhelming.
TRUST .... Firstly, we will need your teams help to orientate us on the data you possess. If your teams giving us a complete data unstructured raw data dump of your system and/or keep hidden existing tooling and reporting available (we have experienced this behaviour), it will soon clear if a team wants to "spin and stay hidden", or whether there is a genuine lack of understanding of the data they can access. For us to add value to your teams, we need to have a relatively informed start point.
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Get in touch with us today.
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Adapt to the Situation: Assess the Scope, Analyse the Status-quo, Agree the Strategy, Adopt the Solution